A photo dump of blog-worthy 2015 moments that weren't blogged about, in approximate order of date.

Thomas was a huge star on the Pee Wee football field. His team was runner-up in his league.
Anna was selected as a Princess of Aksarben! A huge honor for our family...trust me on this.
We spent Thanksgiving at Lost Valley Ranch in Colorado.
It was cold, snowy and gorgeous.
On December 10, our youngest son officially became Carlisle Fitsum Spears.
We also formalized the adoptions of both boys and got Nebraska birth certificates.
Candace and Sarah had a successful meet season as USAG level 5 competitors.
The littles posed with Santa Claus.
Lisle was worn out on the big day of Christmas.
Yep, he's good at basketball, too.
We had these lovely wild swans as visitors to our lake for several weeks.
We've only had swans on the lake one other winter...so beautiful.

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