In the land of Blog, sometimes people will start a game or list where you are supposed to then "tag" or pass the game on to some fellow bloggers. Recently, my blog friend Steffany tagged me with an award for being either a sweet friend or sunshine... not sure which because she sort of joined two awards she had received together... but anyway, I was touched and thrilled to be chosen by someone whose blog I read regularly and who I would love to meet in person one day. Her blog is "...and they lived happily ever after", and you can find the link on my blog list in the sidebar on the left.
Here is my problem: not only am I not good at choosing people to pass these things on to, I don't know how to make the little linky thing where you have someone's name or whatever and it links to their blog. Okay, I am a computer loser. Anyone who wants to enlighten me, feel free! And Steffany, thanks again for kind words!