Have you ever seen the movie "The Jerk"? I love that part where Steve Martin runs from the mailbox screaming "The new phone book's here! The new phone book's here! I'm SOMEBODY!"
That's sort of how I felt today... the I-171 H is here! The I-171 H is here! We're on our way to becoming parents again!
For those of you not in the loop on adoption documentation, this is THE golden ticket. We are now approved by the U.S. government to bring a foreign born orphan into the United States as our adopted child. This is the last piece of paper we needed to complete our dossier to send to Ethiopia.
We are all on cloud nine here at the Spears household. It's so nice to have something happen! Now on to more waiting...
And by the way, we recently did get the new Ashland, Nebraska phone book with our new listing... I'm SOMEBODY!