I seem to know a lot of women who have supersuits in their closet... they run marathons, organize charitable benefits, drop everything to pack up and move to third world countries, start non-governmental organizations to help the impoverished, maintain actual real full-time jobs, have homey welcoming houses, renew themselves spiritually with Bible devotion every day, prepare delicious healthy meals, knit sweaters or write witty and nationally recognized blogs all while caring for at least a half a dozen high achieving, challenging and active children.
I feel like such a slacker. I don't own a supersuit.
Most days, I think I'm doing great if I get two or three errands done, make dinner and get the twins in bed without too much yelling. I really have to limit myself on what goals I set for any given week because I get so easily overwhelmed. One of my favorite blogs had a challenge to rock your attachment challenged child every day for 15 minutes for 30 days... no way was I going to publicly commit to that; I knew it had real potential to be another thing to "fail" at!
I just want to know where the supersuit store is located... I could sure use one.