Friday, April 3, 2009

Letting go

As far as this adoption procedure goes, frustration leads to lots of second guessing... what should we have done differently to make everything go perfectly? I realized yesterday that the answer is "nothing". If we had done just one thing differently, we probably wouldn't be waiting for these precious twins to come home, and that idea is just unbearable. God chose them for us and God will choose when they come home. I feel some peace in trying to let go of the need to be in control of the timing, and just accepting that it will happen.


Jennifer said...

Praying for you and your twins! We need to get our babies home! I hope and pray we pass on Monday! I've gotten pretty "zen" about some things I have no control over. It WILL happen and only God knows when the timing is just right.

Bennett said...

Paula, I have you tucked deep in my prayer chain. I know something new and good will happen soon.


Becky and Naing said...

good for you Paula, I have tried to do that, but I'm a control freak:)