Today marks three months home for our sweet Lisle! I will admit, when we first brought him home, I was nervous...he lagged significantly in social skills, language, and maturity. He has come so far! He is speaking English in two and three word sentences, and understands much more. He can write with a pencil, he can color, he can identify letters, and he can count to twenty. He goes to bed and sleeps like a rock. He eats well whatever we put in front of him. He is happy, he is joyful. He sings, he plays games, he is even wrestling with our local wrestling club. He started kindergarten! He behaves in a much more age appropriate fashion when he is upset.
I have never seen a child more ready to be in a family. Lisle loves all of us so much.
He is such a joy, and we are thankful for him everyday.

I have never seen a child more ready to be in a family. Lisle loves all of us so much.
He is such a joy, and we are thankful for him everyday.
Lisle celebrated his sixth birthday on December 27!
Lisle loves our dogs.
He is pretty much the cutest six year old around.
Lisle is a kindergartner!
Fun in the snow.
Lisle is eagerly anticipating his first wrestling tournament!